Other posts in the Retirement Category

Are You Financially Ready to Retire?

If you’re at the point where retirement is looming on the horizon, it’s time to determine if you’re actually financially ready to retire. Here are a few things to consider before you leave work behind. Spending If you track your spending and expenses or use a budget, you’re ahead of the game. If not, you

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The CARES Act and Your Retirement Savings

Thanks to the recent Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act signed into legislation, you’re able to access up to $100,000 of your retirement savings without having the usual 10% penalty fee for early withdrawal. This is as long as you put the money back into your retirement account within three years. The CARES

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Financial Goals for Each Decade of Your Life

A person’s financial goals grow and change with the individual. Your goals in your 20s aren’t usually the same as when you’re 50. We wanted to give you an overview of what some of your financial goals should be, decade by decade. Your 20s Set Up Good Habits Now is the time to put your

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Top 5 Year-End Financial Goals

The year is almost over, which means it’s time to set up your goals for the New Year. We won’t call them resolutions, because those seem too easy to ignore. If you set up financial goals instead and put a plan together to accomplish them, you’ll be more likely to achieve them. The idea way

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Should You Retire or Become an Entrepreneur?

The average age that people are retiring these days is 60. For the past twenty years, that number has slowly been rising. The main reason is that we’re living longer so we’re choosing to work longer. The other reason is aging workers can’t rely on a pension or social security to sustain them in their

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Should You Touch Your 401(k)?

If you’ve taken saving for your future seriously, chances are you have a 401(k). In case you’re unfamiliar with the term, a 401(k) is a savings/investing plan from employers that gives you a tax break on any money you set aside for retirement. Good savers can accumulate a tidy sum in these types of accounts,

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Redefining Retirement

Gone is the dream of twilight years spent on the golf course and keeping an immaculate lawn. And at the same time, gone is the guarantee of Social Security and dependable pension plans. Contributing to this shift in the retirement landscape is the desire of twenty- and thirty-year-olds to be involved and serve a purpose

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Choosing a Retirement Account

We all know we need to save for retirement, no matter how many years away from retirement we are. But understanding the choices and choosing the right account can seem daunting. What is available and what is best for you? Matching received contributions from your employer, increasing your retirement savings, there are several ways to categorize the universe

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6 Tips for Financial Planning in your 40s

If you’re in your 40s, you could be considered either a late baby boomer or a member of Generation X. Either way, you’re at a time in your life when you’re putting youth aside and should be doing some financial planning for your future and your family’s future. A dilemma faced by people in their

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