Avoid This Dangerous Facebook Scam

Bugs, viruses and ransomware have all forced us to be diligent when it comes to our email. But what about social media? Scammers are tackling Facebook, Twitter and other channels as well. The Better Business Bureau warns that you need to have your guard up wherever, and whenever, you click these days.

One Facebook scam that’s trending involves government grant offers. Why it often works, is it appears to come from a person’s Facebook network of friends. You’ll get a Facebook message that promotes free grant money from the government. The message may also reference other friends or family you have on Facebook that have received the grant to make it seem more legitimate. It may also reference real government agencies or real public figures. No matter how it comes packaged, don’t fall for it.

The messages ask you to supply personal information and a payment for “processing fees.” Unfriend and block these users immediately. If it’s from someone you know, chances are they’ve had their Facebook account hacked. Let them know via email or call/text that their account has been compromised. You’ll also want to report the scam and scammer to Facebook.

The Better Business Bureau has 10 Steps to Avoid Scams as well as a way to file a complaint about the scammers. Also, if you think your Wayne Westland Federal Credit Union accounts have been compromised, call one of our Member Service Representatives immediately at (734) 721-5700.

Don’t forget, Wayne Westland Federal Credit Union members can get free identity theft protection.

Moving Towards Your Financial Success!
Member Service: (734) 721-5700


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