Can Being Thankful Help Your Finances?

By now you’ve probably heard that keeping a gratitude journal can help make you happier. But can being grateful/thankful help make you richer? Perhaps.

  • Increased Productivity
    Boosting your daily gratitude can actually help boost your bottom line due to increased productivity. It turns out the happier you are, the chances are you’re more inclined to get work done. Psychologist Shawn Achor did a study that found those who practice positive thinking improve productivity (37%), are more likely to be promoted (40%) and can increase sales (37%).
  • Work Happy
    Not only do people want to work more with people who are happy and grateful, customers and clients also want to work with positive people. Think about the last time you had a happy salesperson or server wait on you. Didn’t that increase the likelihood that you’d return to that store or restaurant? And employers/employees would rather work with and for grateful people. Nobody likes to collaborate with a complainer!
  • Become Less Material
    If you spend your days thinking more about how lucky your life is the way it is versus focusing on what you don’t have, you’ll probably spend less money on material things. Without gratitude, it doesn’t matter what you have – you’ll never be satisfied.
  • Grateful Teens
    Studies have shown that grateful people tend to earn more. In fact, a Business Insider study discovered that “very happy” students aged 16-18 had greater life satisfaction by age 22 and incomes that were 10% higher than average when they hit age 29.
  • Avoid Instant Gratification
    When you’re grateful, you’re more likely to avoid the need for instant gratification. A study in Psychological Science found that those who show a higher level of gratitude were more likely to choose to receive $80 in 30 days rather than get $54 immediately. More than half of Americans say they’ve spent $100 or more on impulse purchases. Not to mention, waiting and saving for a purchase rather than buying it today on your credit card will save you in interest.

Tips to Become More Thankful

  1. Keep a grateful journal, writing down three things each day you’re thankful for.
  2. Look in the mirror each morning and state three things you like about yourself. Positive affirmations work!
  3. Thank your family and coworkers more often, even for the little things. It will make both your home life and your work environment become more positive.
  4. Become more mindful and live in the moment whenever possible. Focusing on the here and now can shift your focus from what you don’t have to what you do have.
  5. Practice empathy with those around you. Make a habit of putting yourself in the other person’s shoes. It will not only boost understanding but gratefulness as well.
  6. Use technology for good. Instead of wasting time on your smartphone comparing yourself to others on social media, use your phone as a tool toward thankfulness. Here are a few suggestions of apps that can help.

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