Other posts in the Loans Category

Should You Get a Personal Loan? Tips to Find a Cheap Unsecured Loan

If you need money to meet basic expenses, fund your wedding or take a vacation, you’ve probably considered getting a personal loan – a loan where you don’t put up any collateral, such as your house or your car, that the lender can repossess if you default. Because the lender has no guarantee for the

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Auto Loan Financing

The decision to buy a new car will probably be one of the most important financial milestones in your life. In addition to the investment of money, you will spend a great deal of time looking for the right vehicle that caters to your needs. Similarly, you also need to spend time when looking for

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Know Your Obligations when Cosigning a Loan

Often, parents cosign for their sons or daughters who have adequate income but a lack of credit or employment history. By cosigning, parents help their offspring get the loan and establish credit in their own names. But many borrowers, be they the cosigner or the primary borrower (also known as the maker), don’t recognize the

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Lions, Tigers, Bears, and Lenders?

Let’s play a game. I’ll give you a word and you tell me what comes to mind. Ready? “Predator.” Did you think of a prehistoric animal with claws and stabbing teeth? Or, a stealthy cheetah prowling for gazelle in the grassy plains of the Serengeti? Perhaps a portly Siamese cat stalking a house sparrow? How

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Selling Versus Tradein

So you’ve decided to buy a new car. Congratulations! Now comes the decision of what to do with your old car. These steps can help you make the choice that’s right for you. Research Your Car’s True Value The first bit of research you’ll want to do is establish the current value of the vehicle you are

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Seven Key Points About Auto Financing

The automobile is an essential part of American life. Even high school students, the ink barely wet on their drivers’ licenses, often expect to have a car at their disposal. Most of us would have a hard time getting to work, doing our shopping and leading our daily lives without a car. The problem is

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Low Car Loan Rates from Wayne Westland Federal Credit Union

Buying a new car is exciting. Searching for an affordable car loan is not. As a member of Wayne Westland Federal Credit Union, however, you have an advantage when it comes to finding low car loan rates. WWFCU (like other Credit Unions) is a not-for-profit institution. This means that we can “give back” to our

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Finding Low Rates on Car Loans

Buying a new car is exciting. Searching for an affordable car loan is not.  As a member of Wayne Westland Federal Credit Union, you have an advantage when it comes to finding low rates on car loans. WWFCU is a not-for-profit institution. This means that we can “give back” to our members by offering you

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Buying a Car – The Smart Way

No doubt about it – when it comes to high stress, buying a car is right up there with job interviews, public speaking, and root canal surgery. Under typical conditions, you, as a car buyer, are at the mercy of the dealer and the high-pressure salesman. Negotiating a price can be a challenge, particularly if

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