Other posts in the Fraud Protection Category

Falcon Fraud Alerts

We have teamed with Falcon Fraud protection services to continuously monitor your WWFCU debit cards as of February 5, 2020. This service helps identify and prevent fraudulent transactions. If any of your card transactions seem unusual or outside of your normal spending patterns, this may prompt Falcon Fraud to contact you to confirm the transaction(s).

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Holiday Shopping Fraud Alert

‘Tis the season for not only family gatherings, good food and holiday shopping – it’s also the season for fraud. With all of the stress that comes with the holidays, it’s easy to let your guard down. To help protect our members, WWFCU is offering these scam alerts: E-skimming Scammers find weak links on online

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Tips to Help Protect Yourself from Fraud

You wouldn’t leave your cash or credit cards out in public for anyone to use, would you? These days you need to protect yourself and your money from thieves and hackers in all you do. The smarter technology becomes, the savvier thieves are becoming as well. The amount of credit card numbers being exposed to

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Beware of IRS Tax Scams

Tax season is here. It’s not only a time filled with W-2s and receipts – but scams as well. You’ll want to be on your guard to protect yourself this time of year.  IRS Imposter Scams Whether it’s by phone, mail or email, IRS scammers will often try one of two approaches to get your

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Avoid This Dangerous Facebook Scam

Bugs, viruses and ransomware have all forced us to be diligent when it comes to our email. But what about social media? Scammers are tackling Facebook, Twitter and other channels as well. The Better Business Bureau warns that you need to have your guard up wherever, and whenever, you click these days. One Facebook scam

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Dealing with Identity Theft

If you receive a collection notice concerning an account that is unfamiliar to you, you should not ignore it.  Someone may have stolen your identity and used it to fraudulently obtain credit in your name.  This happened to me in 1998. The scheme generally works as follows. Someone, likely part of a ring, gets ahold

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Tips for Preventing Identity Theft

Identity thieves steal your personal information to commit fraud. They can damage your credit status and cost you time and money restoring your good name. To reduce your risk of becoming a victim, follow the tips below: Don’t carry your Social Security card in your wallet or write it on your checks. Only give out

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7 Ways to Protect Yourself from ID Theft

ID theft: It’s still a Problem Identity theft is everywhere. Turn on your TV, and you’ll see “special reports” on how to prevent it. Turn on the radio, and hear ads for services pledging to protect you from it. Search for it on Google, and you get 140 million results. In fact, according to a

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Identity theft

How to Protect Yourself Now There’s a lot of advice about how to deal with identity theft around these days – some helpful, some unrealistic, and some a little ridiculous. We’ve done the research for you and present the following easy-to-do, indispensable steps. These items should be considered MUST-DOs if you’re serious about minimizing the

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Identity Theft & Credit Card Fraud – How to Protect Yourself

Identity theft occurs when someone obtains your personal information, such as your credit card data or Social Security number, to commit fraud or other crimes. The Federal Trade Commission estimates that 9 million Americans suffer identity theft annually. It sounds like a big number, but it isn’t. For one, the hysteria has been stoked by much-publicized data

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