Other posts in the Tips Category

Six Tips for Saving Money on the First Year of College

Everyone knows that college tuition and fees are high-cost items, but what about the many other expenses associated with higher education? Parents of freshmen are often very surprised by the price of books, travel, dorm accessories and other college necessities. The Michigan Association of CPAs offers six tips on how to save on these and

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Tips for Easy Expense Tracking and Budgeting

Tracking personal expenses is an important habit to cultivate for any independent adult. By tracking your expenses, you can build a budget and find ways to make sure you don’t live outside your means. However, as anyone who’s attempted to track their expenses knows, it can be overwhelming at first. Here’s a process to make

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Ways Businesses Can Save on Credit Card Processing Fees

Small Business could miss out in sales in case they decide not to accept payment using credit cards. In 2014, 35% of consumers preferred credit cards over any other type of payment. Some small business build the cost of accepting credit card in the final price of goods. Instead, there are ways businesses can save

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Creating and Maintaining Good Personal Financial Habits

If you have ever applied for a loan or mortgage, you know one of the first things the lender looks at is your credit score. Although, it is important to maintain a high credit score, it is just as important to have good credit habits. Good credit habits not only include your payment history, but

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Edison’s Tips to Thinking Creatively

Creativity isn’t just a talent; it’s a habit you can – and should – cultivate and grow. Learn how to develop your creative muscles from the genius of invention, Thomas Edison: 1. Question all assumptions. Don’t accept the conventional wisdom without first examining and challenging it. It’s said that Edison, when hiring a new employee,

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Spend Less This Holiday Season

It's easy to forget about your budget when shopping for holiday gifts thus you must start by creating a written details on what to shop and stick to your spending limits.

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Preparing Your Car for Winter

Winter conditions present the greatest challenge to your vehicle’s operating efficiency thus prepare for winter by performing a complete vehicle checkup in the fall.

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