Other posts in the Fraud Protection Category

Nine Tips for Protecting the Identity of Your Child at Back-to-School Time

As you’ve prepared to send your child back to school this fall, you’ve likely been hit with a mountain of paperwork for class enrollment, youth sports, and other after-school activities. But as you share your child’s personal information with teachers and administrators, carefully consider how and why the information will be used in order to

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Avoid ID Theft When Job Searching

Looking for a job? You should also be looking out for identity thieves. You want to be thorough on your résumé when you’re looking for a job. But here are a few things you should NOT include on your resume, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center. You can provide any of these things to

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Five Ways to Spot a Fake IRS Email

Be on the lookout for email scams circulating that fraudulently use the Internal Revenue Service name or logo as a lure - all to trick you into giving up personal and financial information. The scammers can then use your information (such as your Social Security number, bank account or credit card numbers) to commit identity theft and steal your money.

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How to Avoid Fraud

Consumer fraud seems to be everywhere these days, coming in a variety of forms: fake check scams, credit repair, free trip offers and sweepstakes. Here are some tips to help you avoid being a victim of consumer fraud: Don’t give out personal information. If someone you don’t know asks for your Social Security number, birthdate,

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How to Protect Yourself from Credit Card Fraud

Here are a few tips on how to avoid becoming the victim of credit card fraud: Periodically review your credit reports. There are three main credit bureaus. Order your credit report from each of them at least once a year. Request copies of your credit report from TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax. You can also obtain

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Identity Theft: Protect Yourself from Predators!

Defined as when one person masquerades under the identity of another, identity theft has flourished in recent years with the advent of online, faceless Internet lending and credit transactions. Although it is almost impossible for consumers to completely guard themselves against identity theft, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and other consumer agencies suggest the following

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Avoiding Text Message Scams

The invention of text messaging – and particularly, the widespread adoption of cellular data plans that allow for unlimited texting – has been a real boon for the honest and law-abiding citizen. Text messages, also known as Short Message Service (SMS), provide tremendous convenience for today’s busy people. They let us alert loved ones that

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Ways to Protect Your Identity from Fraud

Every year millions of people in the United States are affected by identity theft. Credit cards, social security numbers, and bank account numbers are the most commonly compromised forms of personal information. Thieves can change the billing address on a credit card account, make charges to it, and run up bills which they will not

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