What is a Christmas/Holiday Account?

Christmas accounts first began in the early 1900s, created to help credit union members be able to afford holiday shopping. Today, they’re still going strong with nearly three-quarters of U.S. credit unions offering them. How many times have you set money aside in your checking or regular savings account for the holidays, only to have

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Celebrating International Credit Union Day

Happy International Credit Union Day (ICU Day)! Thanks to the Credit Union National Association, the third Thursday in October has been set aside to celebrate U.S. credit unions since 1948. WWFCU Celebrates ICU Day ICU Day gives us the opportunity to celebrate the credit union movement and to thank our community. On October 17, 2019,

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Twelve Easy Ways to Save Money

In honor of National Savings Day on October 12, we thought we’d give you some realistic ways to save money. If you’re like most, you have the best intentions when it comes to saving, but have a hard time following through. That’s why we have twelve easy ways to save: Credit Cards Pay your cards

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Do You Need Life Insurance?

Oftentimes, life insurance is one of those things we put off getting. If you have people relying or depending on you, chances are you should think about getting a policy. Types of Insurance If you decide to take the plunge, you’ll need to decide what type of life insurance policy you need. There are two

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Tips to Help Protect Yourself from Fraud

You wouldn’t leave your cash or credit cards out in public for anyone to use, would you? These days you need to protect yourself and your money from thieves and hackers in all you do. The smarter technology becomes, the savvier thieves are becoming as well. The amount of credit card numbers being exposed to

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All About Credit Unions

If you’re a WWFCU member, we’d like to thank you. We also have a question for you … Have you ever really thought about what being a credit union member means? Sure, in many ways being a credit union member is similar to being a bank customer. You can have checking and savings accounts, get

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How to Boost Your Credit at WWFCU

Is your credit not as good as it could be? You’re not alone. About 20% of Americans have credit in the poor to fair range (669 or lower). WWFCU is always looking out for its members and your financial health. So, we thought we’d share a few general tips on how to boost your credit

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Why Use a Digital Wallet?

If you haven’t fully jumped on the digital/mobile wallet bandwagon, now might be the time. A digital wallet is a smartphone app like Apple Pay, Google Pay or Samsung Pay that lets you store your debit and credit cards in it and then pay for transactions with just a tap. Many people haven’t used a

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Money Lessons with Back-to-School Shopping

For most kids, back-to-school shopping is all about finding the perfect pencil bag or backpack. But as their parents, it’s up to you to take it up a notch and use it to teach them a few financial lessons as well: Budgeting– Work with your kids to put together a shopping list and then a

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How to Raise Money-Smart Kids

For some parents, talking to their kids about money is almost as difficult as discussing the birds and the bees. Don’t be one of those parents! Talking to your kids about money should basically be a series of easy, simple and straightforward conversations that you have throughout their lives. No pressure, right? Early Elementary Before

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