Get a chance to win $15,000 on the way to your maximum refund with TurboTax

Take advantage of this limited-time offer for Wayne Westland Federal Credit Union members: Try any TurboTax® Online product for FREE and automatically be entered for a chance to win $15,000! You don’t pay unless you are 100% satisfied. TurboTax brings you Total Assurance protection so you can feel 100% confident about your taxes: Maximum refund,

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(Westland, Michigan) Wayne Westland Federal Credit Union is pleased to announce the largest reduction in loan rates in their 57-year history.  The Management team at WWFCU approved a reduction of nearly 50% of their current secured rates.   This major reduction was a move directed at the current economic conditions, so the local community can take

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What Are E-Statements and Their Benefits?

Online banking has become very popular in the past few years, with customers enjoying the convenience and security of 24-hour access to their money from home. When it comes to communications with their Credit Union, however, many people still receive paper statements in their mailbox each month. Paper statements provide the comfort of familiarity, but

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The Benefits of Direct Deposit

Most people are familiar with the idea of direct deposit. You fill out a little form with your employer, perhaps attach a voided check, and a few weeks later, your paycheck stops coming in the mail and begins showing up directly in your account. It’s a simple little idea, but it has a lot of

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How Can Mobile Banking Benefit You?

With the growing presence of the internet in everyday life, it’s natural that more people every year are learning to use online banking. Being able to access your Credit Union information at any hour of the day or night from home is a valuable tool for managing your money, building budgets, and paying bills. These

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Surviving a Layoff – Tips to Help You Cope with a Layoff

In these financial times, layoffs are a possibility nearly everyone thinks about. They hope it won’t happen to them. But what do you do if you are the one laid off? Smart financial planning from Day 1 will help ease the pain as you move from one job to another. Ideally, planning for a layoff

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What’s Your Money Personality?

Everyone thinks of money differently. Perhaps your grandmother clipped coupons and watched every penny, while your neighbor never seems to think about tomorrow when he has money today, while “you” love to dream about your retirement to a tropical paradise someday. The way you think about money (the type of money personality you possess), becomes

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Planning Your Retirement

Planning for retirement can seem like an overwhelming task. There are so many options to choose from, and the goal can seem very unclear, especially if you have many years of work ahead of you. In this economic climate, hoping for a simple pension plan from an employer is not the realistic retirement plan it

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How Much Debt Is Too Much?

Credit is a part of everyday life, and it can be a great tool. Used wisely, good credit can help people score better deals on homes and cars and even land better jobs. The flip side of credit, however, is debt, and debt can be a huge burden. More American families are in greater debt

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Choosing A Credit Counselor

Does your credit card balance increase each month, even though you make payments? Are debt collectors calling you? Do you run out of money before your next paycheck? If your answers to these questions are “yes,” then you should consider finding a credit counselor to help you get your finances back on track. Just know

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