Other posts in the Money Management Category

Estate Planning

End of life planning is one of those things that we all tend to put off. No one enjoys thinking about what will happen once they pass away or how they would like their estate handled. Having this difficult conversation with your loved ones is critical in expressing your wishes and how things are to be taken

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It’s Tax Season

Benjamin Franklin said it best when he proclaimed, “in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes”. While there is something to be said about paying your fair share, not much takes the sting out of paying taxes. A study by the Pew Research Center in Washington, DC shows that 56% of  Americans have

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Is Debt Consolidation Right for Me?

Drowning in debt and not sure how to get out of it? You could speak to creditors, budget smarter, make bigger payments or try debt consolidation. Debt consolidation is where you roll several of your debts into a single loan payment. There are a lot of factors to consider when deciding if debt consolation is

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Unique Financial Resolutions

Come the New Year, many of us resolve to spend less and save more. Two subjects we discuss a lot on our blog! This year, we thought we’d shake things up a bit and give you a list of unique and ultra-specific resolutions/goals you can make for the New Year. Save Change When paying with

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Top 5 Year-End Financial Goals

The year is almost over, which means it’s time to set up your goals for the New Year. We won’t call them resolutions, because those seem too easy to ignore. If you set up financial goals instead and put a plan together to accomplish them, you’ll be more likely to achieve them. The idea way

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How to Choose the Right Budgeting and Accounting Solution

Keeping your personal budget and accounting organized is necessary to ensure any kind of financial security. Managing such accounts and budgets down to the individual transaction is, at best, a tedious task if handled the traditional pen-and-paper way. Fortunately, help is available. The option you choose will depend on whether you’re an excel monkey —

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Beginner’s Guide to Managing your Money

Setting up a budget If you want to get on top of your finances, a budget is a really good way to start. It’s just a record of money you have coming in (from things like your salary or wages, pensions or benefits) andpayments that you make (such as your rent or mortgage, insurance and Council

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Money Don’ts

Sometimes the difference between being eternally broke and financially comfortable is just a few simple things you shouldn’t do. Avoid these basic money mistakes: Not tracking your spending – Pay attention to where your money goes. Your credit card statement will help you do this, but don’t forget all the incidentals you pay cash for.

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Are Rebates Worth it?

Has this ever happened to you? You go to the store to buy something — like a printer — and you find just the one you want. But right next to it is a printer that’s around the same price but has a rebate that knocks $50 off of it. You buy it, promising yourself

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Think Cash First

It seems like it’s become a national craze – using your credit card for everything—even routine or daily purchases. While it’s a bad habit that will be hard to break, it’s better to start sooner rather than later. To break that habit, here’s a simple idea to help get a handle on the situation: Pay

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