Other posts in the Financial Guidance Category

Estate Planning

End of life planning is one of those things that we all tend to put off. No one enjoys thinking about what will happen once they pass away or how they would like their estate handled. Having this difficult conversation with your loved ones is critical in expressing your wishes and how things are to be taken

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Taking Control of Your Finances

With 2023 in our rear view mirror, it’s time to kick off 2024 with some new year’s resolutions. Most resolutions can be as simple as working out more, eating healthier, saving money or starting a new hobby. While there are a million resolutions you could make, your WWFCU Financial Gurus have a suggestion for you:

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Unique Financial Resolutions

Come the New Year, many of us resolve to spend less and save more. Two subjects we discuss a lot on our blog! This year, we thought we’d shake things up a bit and give you a list of unique and ultra-specific resolutions/goals you can make for the New Year. Save Change When paying with

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Can Being Thankful Help Your Finances?

By now you’ve probably heard that keeping a gratitude journal can help make you happier. But can being grateful/thankful help make you richer? Perhaps. Increased Productivity Boosting your daily gratitude can actually help boost your bottom line due to increased productivity. It turns out the happier you are, the chances are you’re more inclined to

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Money Lessons with Back-to-School Shopping

For most kids, back-to-school shopping is all about finding the perfect pencil bag or backpack. But as their parents, it’s up to you to take it up a notch and use it to teach them a few financial lessons as well: Budgeting– Work with your kids to put together a shopping list and then a

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8 Keys to Becoming Financially Independent

Most people aspire to become financially independent, but few actually think about or take the actions necessary to reach independence. Financial independence means having sufficient financial resources to comfortably choose whether to work or not work, or perhaps work in a highly desirable job that otherwise couldn’t support your standard of living. It means being

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Understanding Averaging Strategies

Have you ever heard of dollar-cost averaging or value averaging? It’s a strategy to avoid being exposed to price risk when making a large purchase in an actively traded security. Because if you make the investment all in one fell swoop, you might get lucky and see the price swing higher a few months after

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Tips for Easy Expense Tracking and Budgeting

Tracking personal expenses is an important habit to cultivate for any independent adult. By tracking your expenses, you can build a budget and find ways to make sure you don’t live outside your means. However, as anyone who’s attempted to track their expenses knows, it can be overwhelming at first. Here’s a process to make

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Who Can You Trust With Your Assets When You’re Gone?

A will isn’t the only way to transfer your assets upon your death. Trusts are a useful tool that can be used to achieve a maximum amount of control over how your assets will be distributed among your loved ones and other beneficiaries. Trusts may also reduce the amounts spent on probate court and estate

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New Financial Habits in the Post-Recession Age

If you're like many, you've spent the past few years scrimping and saving. These are great habits to keep, even if your financial situation has improved. If you still haven’t taken those steps, you might want to think about making these changes: Restart your finances with a thorough financial plan. If you’ve lost a job or have been struggling to get control of your debt, savings or investments, plan a visit now with a Certified Financial Planner™ professional. At the meeting you can also examine spending patterns and the emotional drivers behind many of your financial decisions. If you don’t have a planner in mind, the Financial Planning Association has a website where you can search by location and specific planning issues.

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