Loan Specials

Cruise into Cash Back

Up to $300 cash back with a WWFCU Auto Loan

  • New purchase, refinance, new and used vehicles

Valid 12/01/2024 through 1/31/2025. Certain restrictions apply. All loans are subject to credit approval. Normal underwriting guidelines apply. The minimum loan amount of $10,000 and must be a new loan with Wayne Westland FCU. $100 cash back bonus for each $10,000 borrowed. Max cash back bonus of $300.00. The loan must be in place and in good standing for 45 days prior to receiving cash back credit. Federally Insured by NCUA. Equal Opportunity Lender

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Every 71st Loan Wins!

WWFCU is celebrating its 71st anniversary

  • To celebrate our 71st anniversary, WWFCU is giving a prize to every 71st loan we distribute.

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Loan Calculators

This is the loan amount.
This is the interest rate (e.g. 5.9 for 5.9%)
This is the number of years for the loan.
*Calculations are estimates and do not guarantee credit.
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Excellent Benefits and Low Rates

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