Other posts in the Credit Score Category

7 Simple Ways to Improve your Credit Score

Need to boost your credit score? Unfortunately, a credit score isn’t like a race car, where you can rev the engine and almost instantly feel the result. Credit scores are more like your driving record: They take into account years of past behavior, not just your present actions. In addition to making the right moves,

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About Credit Scores

You know a credit score is important when you apply for a loan or credit card – but do you know exactly what it is and how it can affect your chances in getting the financing you want? Creditors use a credit scoring system to help determine whether to give you credit, and how much

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Credit Cards

Here are some ways to responsibly choose and use a credit card. Read the fine print. If you receive an offer for a pre-approved credit card or if someone says they’ll help you get a credit card, find out the details first. You need to know what interest rate you will be paying and for

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Map Out Your Finances

The details of our financial lives can be tricky, and without a clear road map it’s easy to feel lost. Changes in tax laws and the family structure offer potential complications in how we handle our money, so heed these tips as you make financial plans for the future. Invest. If you have extra money

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Seven Key Points About Auto Financing

The automobile is an essential part of American life. Even high school students, the ink barely wet on their drivers’ licenses, often expect to have a car at their disposal. Most of us would have a hard time getting to work, doing our shopping and leading our daily lives without a car. The problem is

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Finding Low Rates on Car Loans

Buying a new car is exciting. Searching for an affordable car loan is not.  As a member of Wayne Westland Federal Credit Union, you have an advantage when it comes to finding low rates on car loans. WWFCU is a not-for-profit institution. This means that we can “give back” to our members by offering you

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Understanding Your Credit Score

Few things in an American consumer’s life are as critical to their financial environment as their credit score – yet relatively few of us understand how the scores work, how the credit agencies calculate the scores, or even what number constitutes a “good” score. Let’s examine the credit score system and shine some light onto

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Look for a Smarter Way to Manage Your Money

If you fall into a typical income bracket, then most likely you have a limited amount of money to spend. Budgeting can be a challenge, and unanticipated expenses can regularly come up, tacking onto rent, car payments, and other financial obligations most people have. What you have left of your income for spending can be

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Five Savvy Moves to Improve Your Credit Score

If you are planning on applying for a loan or a mortgage in the near future, you’ll want to make sure that your credit score is in tiptop shape. Here are five things you can do to improve your credit score immediately.  Pay Your Bills On Time, Every Time More than one-third of your credit

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