Other posts in the Financial Guidance Category

What’s Your Money Personality?

Everyone thinks of money differently. Perhaps your grandmother clipped coupons and watched every penny, while your neighbor never seems to think about tomorrow when he has money today, while “you” love to dream about your retirement to a tropical paradise someday. The way you think about money (the type of money personality you possess), becomes

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Planning Your Retirement

Planning for retirement can seem like an overwhelming task. There are so many options to choose from, and the goal can seem very unclear, especially if you have many years of work ahead of you. In this economic climate, hoping for a simple pension plan from an employer is not the realistic retirement plan it

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How Much Debt Is Too Much?

Credit is a part of everyday life, and it can be a great tool. Used wisely, good credit can help people score better deals on homes and cars and even land better jobs. The flip side of credit, however, is debt, and debt can be a huge burden. More American families are in greater debt

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Choosing A Credit Counselor

Does your credit card balance increase each month, even though you make payments? Are debt collectors calling you? Do you run out of money before your next paycheck? If your answers to these questions are “yes,” then you should consider finding a credit counselor to help you get your finances back on track. Just know

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Reducing Expenses to Achieve Your Goals

Each family has its own unique goals, whether it is taking annual trips to Disney, fully funding the kids’ college funds, or paying off the mortgage before retirement. All of these goals have one thing in common–the need for extra money, above and beyond what is required for the daily household budget. One of the

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Back-to-School Savings for Your Household Budget

The start of a new school year means new teachers, new friends, and new challenges for kids and teenagers. It can also mean new and expensive supplies for parents to buy! This year, parents and students will spend 68 billion dollars getting ready for the new year of school. Savvy parents can take steps to

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Check your Credit Report Regularly

There is a classic Jack Benny line from one of his comedy skits that while walking down a street, a robber sticks a gun in Benny’s back and says, “Your money or your life?” As the miserly Benny pauses to ponder the question and formulate his answer, the impatient robber warns “Well?” Benny blurts, “I’m

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Lifelong Money Management Tips

Life is an unpredictable adventure. Try as you might, you can never plan for unexpected events such as natural disasters, theft or death. The best way to prepare yourself and your loved ones for such emotionally unstable times is to have a well organized financial life. Use these tips to make sure that you have

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What is identity theft, and how do you protect yourself?

Identity theft, the illegal use of a target’s personal information, such as a social security or credit card number, to pose as that person for financial gain, is rapidly growing both in the United States and abroad. With 8.1 million victims and $37 billion dollars lost in 2010, identity theft is big business. According to

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Retirement Planning Tips

Regardless of age, planning for retirement is an important component of any long-term financial strategy. Through the benefits of modern medicine, people are commonly living well into their 80s and beyond. Coupled with the continuing uncertainty surrounding social security benefits, careful planning is vital to ensure adequate financial resources are available throughout retirement. At its

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