Other posts in the Financial Guidance Category

Youth Member Promotions at Wayne Westland Federal Credit Union

At Wayne Westland Federal Credit Union, we take pride in serving individuals, families, and businesses. Our financial services are tailored to the needs of members, and we try to offer something for everyone. It’s never too early to start teaching your children about financial responsibility. People who learn how to save money and handle their

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Members Can Save with Sprint

As you already know, members of Wayne Westland Federal Credit Union enjoy a wide range of benefits and perks. In addition to complete branch and online banking services, WWFCU offers low interest rates on car loans and low service fees. We also offer better rates on savings accounts and certificates, free financial education services, savings

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Is Zero Percent Financing Really Your Best Deal?

Undoubtedly you’ve heard about the “zero percent financing” offers that many auto manufacturers have been promoting lately. Although they seem to be incredible deals and are certainly enticing, you should read the fine print and know the facts before you head to your local dealer. Beware of Those Teaser Rates Teaser rates have always been

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A NEW SYSTEM THAT IS FAST AND EASY Here’s the 21st century method for balancing a checkbook. What you will need: 1. Monthly statement 2. Checkbook register 3. A pocket calculator What you need to do: 1. Go down the checkbook REGISTER and — one by one — puts a checkmark by each entry not

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How Financial Guidance can be Beneficial

Creating a plan for managing finances is important at every stage of life. It is not always easy to implement and follow because unexpected expenses can crop up at any time, and job situations can change, especially when the economy takes a downturn. Financial guidance can assist you in changing your habits by offering various

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Smart Tips on Planning for Retirement

Many people have set goals for their retirement. Others don’t even want to think about it. It is important to consider what sources of income and savings will be available when planning for retirement. Building a money reserve is one of the most important aspects of this planning process. Experts advise people to start as

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Ways to Protect Your Identity from Fraud

Every year millions of people in the United States are affected by identity theft. Credit cards, social security numbers, and bank account numbers are the most commonly compromised forms of personal information. Thieves can change the billing address on a credit card account, make charges to it, and run up bills which they will not

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Look for a Smarter Way to Manage Your Money

If you fall into a typical income bracket, then most likely you have a limited amount of money to spend. Budgeting can be a challenge, and unanticipated expenses can regularly come up, tacking onto rent, car payments, and other financial obligations most people have. What you have left of your income for spending can be

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What Are E-Statements and Their Benefits?

Online banking has become very popular in the past few years, with customers enjoying the convenience and security of 24-hour access to their money from home. When it comes to communications with their Credit Union, however, many people still receive paper statements in their mailbox each month. Paper statements provide the comfort of familiarity, but

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Surviving a Layoff – Tips to Help You Cope with a Layoff

In these financial times, layoffs are a possibility nearly everyone thinks about. They hope it won’t happen to them. But what do you do if you are the one laid off? Smart financial planning from Day 1 will help ease the pain as you move from one job to another. Ideally, planning for a layoff

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